Happy Cyclist

Today's the day ....................... to get on your bike

He kept saying that he was going to cycle from Kendal to Moniaive - and  at sparrow's fart this morning, he pedalled off.  The plan was that I would set off later in the car to act as support if required.

The plan was a good one.  But unfortunately, there were just two things contriving to mess things up - the rain and the gale-force winds.  I have no idea how he managed to cycle over Shap summit in that weather.  I was hard put to keep the car on a straight path when I left a few hours later.  But battle on, he did - and he was still smiling (I think!) when we caught up with each other in the car park at Gretna Gateway.

I persuaded him to travel the rest of the way by car.  The remaining miles will have to wait for another day - hopefully with more sun and blue sky ........................!

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