The World Through My Eyes

By Marlieske

Woody The Black Woodpecker...

The black woodpecker is a mysterious forest bird with a withdrawn way of life. Can cut out every year a new nest in thick deciduous trees. For example, the black woodpecker offers cavities for tawny owls, pine martens and many other species. They are shy and fly away as soon as they perceive a human being, or remain out of sight on the other side of the tree. The black woodpecker's rattle is slower, longer and heavier than the great spotted woodpecker, like a machine gun.

Woody is a large black bird of which the man has a completely red crown and the woman only red on the back. Flies like a jay, flapping in a straight line and not undulating like other woodpeckers. The black woodpecker has a heavy and hard roffel. In the spring and spring during fresh mornings you can hear a laughing balt sound, less 'round' than that of the green woodpecker.

Sounds of the Woodpecker (klick on link and you can hear the sounds they make)
In flight a loud "kru-kru-kru-kru ...". There is a far-reaching plaintive call "kli-èèhh". A laughing call in spring. In addition, among other things, chewy sounds at the court. Roffelt hard and long.

Thanks for all your lovely comments and stars for yesterdays Blip! Xxx 

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