Today we attended Bob's funeral;

Bob was the husband of C's 1st cousin Janet. C was their bridesmaid back in the day. The service was held at  the 12th century St Giles' Church in Horspath which is close to Cowley in Oxfordshire. A real gem of a church with lots of interesting features including this modern window that hints at the creation & manufacture of the Morris Minor car just down the road at Cowley works. The carousel horses apparently relate to the annual fair that has been held on the village green for many  years.

It was a good little service & not too long & Bob's widow read a poem which was extremely brave of her....I didn't know Bob very well - in fact I only met him 3 or 4 times but I do know that he was a good carpenter.. 

After the burial & I went & got my camera so I could take a few shots around the empty church before meeting the others in the pub conveniently situated opposite the church.

In the extras you can see the full shot of the modern window plus part of another window which shows an ancient depiction of Adam & Eve. I also took a shot of one of those characters that you always see at funerals whose name was also Bob .

A wet foggy day & very cold.

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