Cladonia bellidiflora

To be fair this would have made a pretty good Tiny Tuesday entry as those little red pyncidia are only 1 or 2mm across.
Thank you for all the good wishes on the last few days blips, very kind as ever.
Back in the pool today but I gave up at 1200m as it was just too much hard work dodging kids swimming sideways, toys discarded and idiots diving in the lanes. I'll be glad when the Easter holidays are over. I know, I know, grumpy old man....

And so to TT150's results...
Loosecanon's 3 legged squirrel tugged at the heart strings and met all the criteria - amazed its survived.
Artyfartyannies tiny lobster was just too beautiful to leave out and looks teensy weensy.
FionaMuddyFox's Dead Mens Fingers (only a possible id) were too cool to miss out, very easy to miss.
Hanulli's wonderful Rhinoceros Beetle is a great example of the wonderful world blippers can show us.
Lizellens underside of a Tiny Spider was not just fantastically detailed - but exactly the kind of "never seen that before" this challenge was looking for.

Honourable mentions this week go to:
NinnieX - great macro, beautiful flower/blossom/thing.
NatureWatcher - pretty sure I've seen snow before - but they do say every flake is unique, or was that the chocolate bar....
I felt so sorry for Dolly and her awful sounding sweet that she sneaks in...I'm a fan of the power of words with a good blip
AJC's Water Measurer - too cool a beastie to miss out.
& finally - a trip down memory lane, and I agree with John - not many people will know what this is....

tt151 - those of you who follow me will have seen this coming...
next weeks optional theme is 
"I see this every day" - offer us a different, tiny view of something that you see everyday...

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