Horsin' Around

I had a lazy morning as I was really tired last night.  I chatted with Alan before he left for the airport on his way, bathed the boys and then drove to Lewes to meet Vanessa for lunch at Bills.  It was nice to see her and hear about her holiday in Dubai.

Then before heading home I went to Malling Down nature reserve just outside Lewes as the other day I saw some photos on the Argus Camera Club of some wild Konik ponies there.  When I got there I passed a man coming out of the reserve so I asked him if he'd seen the ponies and he pointed me in the right direction.  Luckily I'd taken my walking shoes to change into as it was very muddy!  

Anyway, I didn't need to go far before I saw two of the ponies, so I stood taking photos of them, and then I spotted another one on top of a hill watching us.  It then came down the hill and walked towards me, stopping a distance away but watched me.  I took lots of photos and then it came up to me and sniffed me so I got some grass and held it out in my hand.  It took it from me and then kept nuzzling me and let me stroke it, before I took a series of selfies and funny photos which you can see in my extras. Every time I walked away, it came with me, it was so sweet and hard to think it was feral.

I googled the breed when I got home and found that they originate from Poland.  They are dun in colour and interestingly they have have a black strip down their back like a donkey, their face, tail and lower legs are darker than their body with zebra stripes on their front legs, and their manes are two-toned. 

Alan is currently winging his way from Singapore to Dubai on the first leg of his journey home and he's sent me a photo of him stood behind the bar with a glass of wine whilst flying over the Bay of Bengal - isn't technology brilliant?

I must now go and open up the Palace as my friend Julie from work is due round shortly for a drink.  Bye for now!

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