Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens


My hairdresser, Alison, called this morning to do my usual colour and trim. She has been doing my hair for years and it's always great to have a catch up too.

Lewis starts a new part time job in a couple of weeks and, until he has a uniform, he wanted to go shopping for a new turtle-neck jumper. He is very specific about what he wears and has a good sense of style. He loves to shop! I hate to shop and couldn't care less about style....I get bored within seconds. The debate was where to shop? Wigan or Bolton. I prefer Wigan so Lewis insisted on Bolton! I grumbled because there's no free parking in Bolton and the centre has a reputation for being a bit of a lost cause that the council is forever trying to "improve". Having not visited for a while, I wasn't expecting to enjoy the experience but, surprisingly I did. The Market Hall has come into its own and the Vaults are brilliant. The shops up Newport Street have been cheered up with pastel coloured exteriors which some residents complained it would look like Balamory...but the colours are tranquil and it really works. The town looked clean and fresh. To top it all, Lewis got his clothes and then we had the best chips I've ever tasted before heading home. Oh and although the parking wasn't free entirely, the first hour was so it cost just £1 for two hours parking.

So to my Blip...maybe the most famous past Boltonian?! Did you like that?!

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