Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens


Today has been a laundry day, no mean feat when there are three teenage boys in the house who only seem to wear each item of clothing for one day, I'm talking jeans and hoodies!

Lewis was out and about to the gym with a friend. Jed went out walking with a friend. Rowan and I were left around the house. After doing the laundry, I was looking at how to paint upvc window frames to make them more modern. I looked at my small house and it would still mean having eleven windows and two door frames painted inside and out....I think I might just spruce up the doors myself when the weather is warmer and keep the white window frames!

Jeeves is still having to put up with a bandaged paw after cutting a pad on his front paw. I sent for some protective boots to cover the bandage when he's on his walk. They are like glorified balloons but they do a fairly good job of keeping the bandage clean. He is back to his usual self after his big op to remove his testicles (one retained) and his abdomen wound is healing well. He was rolling in something vile and I was shouting at him to stop. He was half way across a field but his recall is excellent so he came charging back to me and then sat there holding up his paw.....blipped......I'm fairly sure that he has no pain in the paw and was just looking for sympathy because I'd been shouting him to stop rolling!

Later I clean the car inside. There was mud splattered on the roof and the boot of the car was just full of mud and filthy footballs. I'm sure I will miss my chaotic and messy life one day....maybe!

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