Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

I learn two lessons


Archie went out with his new walker, Jordan. They both got wet and muddy, but came home happy!

A half hour walk round Auckland, Wellington and Queenstown. The main things I noticed were good roads (no potholes) and no litter. Queenstown looks SO different from when I was a housemaid there in the 70s. I really should go back and see it... Hmmm... Watch this space...

I was having my shower this morning when there was only cold water! On checking the boiler, there were flashing red lights. PANIC! I rang the boiler people that I pay £18 a month (£216 a year) for 'service' but I thought it was also for them to come out and FIX it. OH NO. No, that will be £98 please. (Lesson 1) Sure enough, it does say that there's an 'excess charge'. I immediately cancelled the whole 'service', but had to get a boiler man out first. I need hot water and heating.

Then I found the manual on the internet (and it's an obscure old boiler) but I read that you press the re-set button. I tried that, and had to do it a few times before, BINGO! It worked. I rushed to cancel the boilerman and remind them to refund my £98! Phew.

JR went off to the shops, and I decided to fix the down lights in the walk-in wardrobe. I had to climb right to the top of the ladder, but I could steady myself on the wall.

Then I decided to get the big box of old photos down.

BAD MOVE. (Lesson 2)

It was heavier than I thought, and I fell off the ladder. Fortunately I was half way down, so it wasn’t as far as it could have been. I lay there for a while, covered in old photos, wondering how to get up, and testing if anything was broken. Archie fussed about my head. I did clamber up, painfully kneeling as quickly as possible on my rubbish knees. JR arrived home just (not) in time. I think I might be somewhat stiff tomorrow.

In the afternoon JR made scones, and Bailey and Rufus came with their mums, though the dogs didn’t have any scone. We had Mrs FP's delicious jam and clotted cream. I managed TWO. Yum yum. The dogs did not have any G&Ts either. I needed one after the action packed stressful day I'd had.

I'm not sure I’ll make it to the gym tomorrow...

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