Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

I step up and step out...

Big improvements in the gym routine today! I was walking along a ridge in Goosenecks State Park, Utah, (on the screen) and it really took my mind off the pain. Suddenly, it was more than two minutes, then more than three minutes, and I made it to FIVE minutes! Without stopping or going backwards. Doesn't sound much, but it's so much better than what I was managing before.

I also did two lots of five minutes on the rowing machine and the bike. And I had a go at the new, huge, scary, revolving step machine! I almost needed to be hoisted on to it, it's so big. If I can keep this up, and improve on it, then I'll be at the front of all those winery tours no bother.

Anne came to collect Archie. She hasn't been for ages, as she has been ill, poor thing. She took him off for the day, and we had arranged to go to Summerhall for a talk on viruses by a friend of Janet's. It was part of the Science Festival. Unfortunately, we hadn't thought to book, and it was sold out.

Plan B - off into town for a visit. A great coffee and an excellent scone at Wellington Cafe. I stayed and read the paper, while JR had a quick recce round nearby shops. We also managed a beer sitting in a window seat of the Printing Press in the sun.

I checked the bus app and noted that my bus was imminent, so I came home, but JR checked out some comfy shoes for dog walking in the summer. Or, perhaps, on safari...

This morning JR told me, in a shocked - nay, outraged tone, that someone had scratched our car. Right along one side!

I was about to be shocked and outraged too, then I remembered - I had moved right over to let a van past while on the hill yesterday, and I came into contact with some brambles... I hadn't realised there had been any damage. I had to confess.

But when I came home this afternoon, I Googled the problem, and hey presto - toothpaste and a damp cloth later - it's as good as new. I might even try that on the larger scrape that JR made the other day while parking...

Anne stayed for tea when she brought Archie home. He had such a great day with her - and her flatmates. Photo by Anne.

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