A Life in the Day

By stayathomemummy

Two Little Boys!

Experience is gradually teaching me the locations of the more hygienic and accessible baby-changing rooms around the North-East, and the public lavatories which allow me to avail myself of their facilities with Joshua in tow during a full day out. I recently forgot to pack the baby sling into the car with me, and was slightly concerned about whether I was going to get to go to the loo all day until I remembered that Borders boasts pleasingly large bathroom cubicles, which happily accommodated both me and Joshy in his car seat!

My friend Mel, mother of Joshua's little friend Obi, directed me to the very clean and prettily-decorated baby-changing room in the Metro Centre yesterday, and today I popped into Sainsbury's for a quick change just prior to teaching a piano lesson, so I wouldn't have to subject my pupil to an unsavoury waft from Joshua's lower area whilst working on a duet arrangement of Gershwin's Summertime. The changing room was equipped with a helpful mirror, which enabled Joshy to wave to the "other baby" whilst I fitted him with a more fragrant nappy!

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