A Life in the Day

By stayathomemummy

Odd Socks

Or "Like father like son" for the second time!

Ben only wears a pair of socks when he acquires new ones, so is regularly atttired in one Scooby-Doo and one Hong Kong Phooey, to name but two characters lurking in his drawer. My mother was slightly perplexed by this habit when it transpired he had worn mismatched socks on our wedding day, but now merely uses him as inspiration for mathematical illustrations when teaching her pupils how to do probability.

This little pair of feet belongs to Joshy, who is currently unaware of the fact that he is probably destined to wear odd socks until he is old enough to select his own. Last night I went out to hear a talk with a friend at a local church, and upon arriving home I discovered my purse wasn't in my bag. A torch was procured and we searched the car, with no success. Irritated by my apparent inability to manage my own possessions, I cancelled my cards at 11pm as a preventative measure and climbed into bed but lay awake for a while listing in my mind all the other cards I would need to replace: driver's licence, library card, blood and organ donor cards, Nectar and Boots advantage cards... Next morning I was woken by a very welcome text message, which contained the news that my purse was in fact on Mel and Sam's coffee table. I have no recollection of putting it there, and fear my memory may be disintegrating, but am deeply grateful to have it back. However, I was tired enough this morning and late enough out of bed that I had neither the time nor the inclination to root at length through Joshy's drawer for matching socks, so he got this brightly-coloured non-pair instead!

That bit of cat hair pictured in the top corner has reminded me that the carpet will want a good scrub tomorrow...

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