
By Mindseye

Homeward bound

Probably our latest night of all the holiday last night.....A really fun show put on by the entertainment team. Played cards with Isabelle and her mum and dad too.

Most of the packing was done yesterday evening, so just the last minute bits and pieces to finish off this morning, after breakfast.

A quick blip this morning, top middle is our room.......with a view directly down to the beach and sea.

Taxi picking us at at 11.15 for our 1.30 flight, arriving back in Manchester between 8.30 and 9 tonight, so hopefully back home by 11pm.

We said our goodbyes to people we met last night, other than Emilys friend Molly and her parents, who just happen to be on our flight home!

Not looking forward to the grey skies, rain and 7 degrees waiting for us in the UK!

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