Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Blip Meet Day 7 - It's not over til it's over

Diane and I said goodbye to Joyce this morning at Beaufort as she headed south for Florida and we headed north to my house.   So I asked Diane if she wanted to explore more (her answer was "Sure"!)  we drove to Donnelly Wildlife Management area for a drive through nature walk.   But when we got to the gate it was closed...a turkey hunt was in progress but the game warden said to come back after 11 as the hunt was over then.   Not to be thwarted in our effort to see some wildlife, I drove to the Bear Island wildlife area which was just down the road a ways.   A great little road with so many oak trees along the way and a couple of driveways with overhanging oaks.  I put one of those in the extras.    We came upon a woman fishing but the side of the road; her hubby was reading the paper in their van and he told us there was a gator just past the was a huge thing but went in the water when we got near the viewing area.     Then we continued down Bennetts Point Road and turned at Bear Island..immediately seeing some shore birds.  I posted a couple of those in the extras.

We drove down the road as far as it would go and toward the end we met a young man who with a net.  I stopped to ask him if he was catching shrimp, was blue crab.   He showed us some of the crabs in his can see those creatures in the extras.

When we went back to Donnelly we drove the road but really did not see anything except these water lilies I have posted as my main photo.

A little traffic on the interstate so I turned off on to the back road home. As Diane and I were talking and talking I did not notice the speed limit sign at one of those little tiny speed trap I got stopped for  "thoughtless operation" which is a new term for speeding.   The speed limit changed from 55 to 35 and I had slowed down..just not enough.  First ticket in many, many years!    I told Diane I would rather get a ticket for going 90 in a 70..that would be worth the fine! 

We got back to my house after  quick stop at the church up the road where they were having a steak supper fund raiser.  No cooking for me.

Diane leaves to go home to snow tomorrow O'dark thirty!   And she is going up to snow and cold where today we had sunny and hot!     

We really enjoyed our blip meet in Beaufort.  I can recommend this area of South Carolina to anyone that wants to spend some time at the beach, walk along the street with shops and eating places,  learn local history, view birds along the shore or just be lazy at the waterfront park. 

Who knows where we will end up next.   Maybe others can join us!!      

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