Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

The alarm clock

We have had this cardinal visiting (and his mate) previously.   Many times we have seen him flying against the window trying to get in the house?, trying to land on the crabapple tree reflected?, fighting with the bird he "sees" in the glass? or it may be Uncle Kermit..the original owner trying to let us know he is here?.  But this morning at sun up, he was back bumping gently and telling us to get up!   I sat at the table with the camera ready to get his photo!    He looks like he just can't figure out what to do!

Working on the last little bit of flooring, then some clean up and then hoping to get some cabinets in the kitchen.    The original cabinets are gone and there are no overhead cabinets and only 3 floor cabinets..two tiny ones holding up the sink and then a long one with a counter.    Tate has finished one of his work jobs (he does home plans for a major builder) but has another revision to work on that he wants to get done before he comes to help..which is good cause he needs to get paid.  We have to get the cabinets later today and then tomorrow the guys can get them in.     But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.   Spring break for the girls next week so it would be an ideal time to get them moved as they won't have to deal with going to school each day.  

It is really very nice up here in the mountains..did I mention that I love mountains!

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