Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens


There's a lady on FB who draws animal portrait onto bags, clocks, cups, etc so I couldn't resist having a bag with the gorgeous faces of my two diggers. Really pleased with it.

On our evening walk with the dogs, we were returning to where the car was parked when a white car went zooming past like a bat out of hell. Brian commented on it and I just thought it's the usual laddish drivers who speed around country lanes when the Sunday drivers have all returned home. We put the dogs into the car and then set out to go into the next village to get a takeaway! I drove around a couple of bends and Brian said there was something on fire. I looked to the right and saw a blazing car rolling down a side road towards us! I managed to avoid it but another few seconds and we would've been hit. We parked up to see what was going on. I was concerned that there might have been somebody inside the car. There were a couple of other witnesses and they didn't think anyone was in the car. They had also phoned the emergency services so there wasn't anything to do so we carried on to get the takeaway. Brian thought it was probably something to do with the speeding car and that a crime might have been committed so they set the car on fire to eliminate evidence and then all zoomed off in the other car. I wouldn't have even thought like that but it makes sense.

Later one of the Mums I used to chat to when my boys were at primary school knocked at my door as she'd seen a post that I'd put on FB about the car incident. Her brother had his car stolen a few days ago and she wondered if the incident I saw was anything to do with his car. It turned out that the burned out car was a different model to his but it's possible that the speeding car might have been his. He just wants his car back so I wish there had been more info that we could've passed on to him. On a positive note, it was lovely to see Amanda and to have a good catch up.

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