The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Cut To The Chase

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

It was such a lovely spring day so Youngest Mini Princess and I took Murphy for a walk in the Hermitage.

Unfortunately, everyone who lived within a 5 mile radius decided to do the same. Many of them brought picnics. Murphy LOVES picnics.

He especially loved the picnic he raced into and had helped himself to a couple of delicious rolls before I managed to catch up and get him on the lead.

We went off with me apologising profusely and the situation nicely diffused.

But picnics are Murphy’s Kryptonite. They weaken him so he forgets all of his training and render him deaf to my calls to ‘come the f**k back right now’.

He shook his head vigorously to escape his collar and headed back to the picnic like a bullet.

There ensued a ridiculous chase - me racing after Murphy (whilst making threats about the dog pound) and Murphy chasing a woman holding a tray of sandwiches above her head.

Thankfully, the picnickers thought it was hilarious. The woman even said it was shame for him because he is obviously just a baby and gave him a dog treat!

I have NO idea how he managed to come out of that one smelling of roses.


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