The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Forget You Not

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

More good weather! Youngest Mini Princess was heading off with a friend for the day so I lovingly asked Eldest Mini Princess what fun filled bonding activity she would like to do on the last day of her school holiday.

‘Can we do the garden Mum?’


You may not be aware of this O’H dear, but when LTJ came to visit last year, she completely rejuvenated my front garden*.

LTJ and her able assistant EMP spent days digging up the garden. It was redesigned, new plants were bought and the whole thing replanted.

It was like I was actually living in an episode of Garden Rescue. LTJ, you were like Charlie Dimmock (but with a bra).

I have always hated gardening and in truth, I’m never going to love it, but now I love looking at the garden and I want to take care of it. EMP and I had a lovely afternoon chatting, weeding, tidying and chopping. I like watching the pleasure that EMP gets out of the garden although she is quite bossy about it - DO NOT DIG THAT UP MUM. IT’S A PLANT.

Murphy was as helpful as ever. He decided to try to pull a branch off a tree. It became obvious that the tree was dead when the whole thing uprooted and he started dragging all 6 feet of it across the garden (much to the amusement of the workmen in the street).

When I look out of the kitchen window, it makes me smile. It is intrinsically linked with happy memories.



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