And then there were two
I'm sure it is the rabbits who will miss CarbBoy most while he's away on his school trip (that whole tearful farewell is in the backblip heap I seem to have re-accumulated). He is normally first up, so they get breakfast at a very seemly 7am or so. With just me they often have to wait until post-first-cup-of-tea before I remember that it is my job to feed them.
Anyway, a fine but not scorching hot day, so gardening mostly. We apparently have a few hot days coming and - astonishingly - so does CarbBoy in Germany. (Which makes me feel more comfortable about having forgotten to make him take his warm coat, but having remembered to give him a hat and suncream.)
Once the potatoes were (finally - bit late...) planted, lots of weeding, some planting and some heavy plant moving with Mr B (bamboo). Now he is off to London again, and it's just TallGirl and me. She had some unhappy news this morning on the tiny pet front, but is bearing up well by excessively spoiling all the other pets. And I had word from CarbBoy that he is well. Ok, that's an exaggeration, but I had word from CarbBoy that he had bought something. Along with a picture of something that I don't know what it is, and his shoe.
And these flowers just happen to be right outside the back door and make me happy with their refusal to be depressed about the fact that I *still* haven't planted them.
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