and through the wire...

By hesscat

Everything Now

Wayhay, they came back.... and so soon! I went to see Arcade Fire last June at what they called an intimate gig in Edinburgh, and so it was too! Tonight they were at the SSE Hydro with a similar set in the style of a boxing ring where the crowd could stand all around it, complete with boxing ropes, wraparound tv screens and a Las Vegas styled boxing intro. It meant they were more in the middle of the Hydro rather than at the back and again it worked fabulously... 

As they made their way through the country towards Glasgow, I read about various guest singers joining them for one of their own songs in London (Chrissie Hynde, Jarvis Cocker and Florence - 3 nights at Wembley) but not at other venues, so the place erupted when Jim Kerr of Simple Minds came on for Don't You Forget About Me. That suited Ms H down to a T!

Having been in the thick of it last time, a few rows from the front, I was a bit concerned about being up above, away from the action, but it wasn't like that, great views, everyone singing, stunning show and the music sounded perfect. It's hard to imagine a better big arena gig. Aw... I could do this every night... they're off to Europe now. I'm glad Mrs C and Ms H could join me this time and experience it, great memories.

A few extras I couldn't resist - I chose to take my wee camera in, so quality slightly lacking, but when we were at the entrance we were asked if we had anything in our pockets... eh... we usually get searched!

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