Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


One of the things I love about blipping is that it so often leads you to appreciate the things you have around you that you might not have stopped and lingered on; as a thought process it’s like a fine summers day when you find yourself wandering alone through a meadow and being enraptured by a bee collecting pollen. You go into another world and find yourself focused and at peace with the seemingly inconsequential.

Research has shown that it is people whose balance is more towards appreciation of what they have (rather than striving for what they think they need) who are the happiest in life. So when it got to nine o’clock and I needed a photograph, I started looking around me and realised just how beautiful this basket was and started shooting it from different angles.

A thing of beauty is indeed a joy forever. And blipping is a discipline that helps you find the joy.

Today was better than yesterday as I had more energy (despite some horrible dreams the night before - maybe they were cathartic). I took control, renegotiated some deadlines, got some good feedback. Also had a new interim member of the team start today who looks like they are going to be really good. It was also a very sociable day in the sense that I got to spend time with a real mix of colleagues and do some good collaborative work. I also got to tell my joke about how many ears Mr Spock has, which is a rarity these days.

Downside is that TSM was not well tonight, hopefully just a passing stress headachy thing.

The Dizzle and I sat and had chip butties together and I got him hooked on Gorogoa. TSM and I looked at some old photographs going back over twenty years. I used to have a hideous pony tail and a bad taste in clothes. I don’t have the ponytail anymore.

Things do change for the better. If you stop and appreciate the journey.

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