
By negihime

acerola cherries

according to the interweb, acerola cherries have an abundance of nutritional values, especially in vitamin C. one single cherry, no bigger than a nickel, contains 65% more vitamin C than an orange. it also has vitamin A, B, D, antioxidants and other stuff. the percentage number fluctuates from site to site, so i'm using the larger number for dramatic effect. but the overall consensus is that it has a lot of vitamin C.

they're one of my favorite things as a child. i still like them now. they're not taken seriously here because they're considered as "children's snacks." and to think, they're sold as supplements in the Western world. i get them fresh here!

i've been thinking of buying some myself since i've been snifflies lately. but my aunt beat me to it, so no snifflies for me tonight!

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