The Lonley Tern

Met a friend back at my old haunts down the coast was great sitting on the beach watching the antics of the Terns (several different kinds methinks) ......Seagulls and Sand pipers...(the ones with the orange/red legs and eyes that make a cute sound as the amble along in pairs)....watching the waves roll in and other beach frolickers ........extra (I know i'm a bit naughty but I couldn't help but post it).

There really were some weird folk down there today........when we arrived we took a detour to blue crab beach even though the tide was in (so no blue crabs) and found a pink pair of thongs on a tree stump. Looking out from the little beach that leads onto the river there was a body floating out in the water.....we called out........I checked with my camera and yep there was a body that looked bloated and just floating face friend was just about to call the cops when I saw a finger move and then a hand. When the woman finally made it to shore I told her off and suggested she leave a note with her thongs if she is going to keep doing that.....jeez!

It was lovely just to be footloose and fancy free friend and I covered a lot of ground talking about life love the universe and was such a glorious day...except being shat on by a bird whilst we were eating lunch...they say its good luck...I dunno about that.

The terns are funny little birds there is quite a community spirit that goes on between them......the extra is one that caught a fish...I think he must of been King for the day until the seagulls started to attack him for his catch....a winged battle ensued...I didn't quite manage to see if he got to keep his spoils or lost it to the scavengers.

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