Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


The Dizzle and I drove to the Guildford park and ride and decided to walk the last bit rather than get the bus. The morning was glorious and we arrived in good spirits.

I got kissed by five different women today. My first and best was with TSM before we both went off to work. The other four were platonic pecks from old colleagues, and it was just a coincidence that I saw so many of them in one day. The Dizzle just rolled his eyes at me on each occasion as if affection were a sin. Modern youth.

Had an excellent team meeting. Good to have a team actually. They are very polite and laugh at my jokes, which I think is an important point of etiquette. Not only did we cover a lot of ground, there was lots of participation and people seemed tuned in to each other’s ideas.

My lunchtime meeting took me to Godalming. I got a lift from a colleague who I am still getting to know and we found we had lots of shared contacts and experience from our London days.

I had to talk for ten minutes to a group of GPs some of whom remembered me from years ago when I had last worked their patch. It went without controversy which is always a good thing. I walked back to the station in the most beautiful sunshine, down a country lane where I found these cottages with their winding steps, meadows full of flowers and trees full of blossom (see extras).

I got home just after six and we sat in the garden and ate pasta and watched the sun go down, The boy next door was playing with Dylan through the fence and as it got dark we had those beautiful variegated shades of blue that you get in the sky at the end of a cloudless hot day.

I’ve put in a lot of hours this week but energy levels have been better than of late and I feel like I’ve been more productive. Maybe I’m solar powered and just need the sunshine ...

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