Getting ready

Lovely warm day spent inside in meetings.

Our conference room is south facing and with a full room it got warm as the Hearings Management Group discussed operational and practice issues. Some interesting reports on the baseline work being undertaken as part of the better Hearings work.

After various emails and discussions headed off to Glasgow. I’d got an off peak rail fare but managed by the skin of my teeth to get the last afternoon off peak train. The journey had not been helped by a couple getting on the bus to the station. They had very clearly been enjoying the sunshine and imbibing. They struggled to find their bus day tickets and - very slowly and laboriously - emptied pockets and plastic bags, remonstrating with each other who had had them last.

The ( extremely patient) bus driver waited and waited. Eventually moved on to the next stop where I was getting off and as I did so the couple found at least the of the tickets.

At least I saved a full fare and headead through to speak to a meeting of the Glasgow Area Support team and panel members from the west, as well as some reporters and social workers.

Good discussion at the end with some engaged questioning. Then back to catch the end of the news.

I had to sign a form agreeing to be videod. The 90 strong audience were told they would not be identified in the video so I could not presume to blip them!!

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