
A trip up to the allotment in order to water in the second batch of nematodes; on my way I passed the site where the old people's home has been demolished on John's Place and was charmed to see that the MotoFog machine (presumably switched on to damp down the brick dust) was also producing a small rainbow.

When I arrived I startled a brown bird that was skulking down by the hedge that shot off at a very fast rate making a strange sound. Nearest I can get to it on the bird ID is a snipe. Certainly something out of the ordinary. A couple more asparagus stems are showing and the Russian black broad beans have all popped up - ooh, and a couple of the spuds.
Saw neighbour Eric, who's getting a new knee on Monday so won't be around much for a while.

In other news.... D has seen his first puffins on the island! But you'll have to wait till he gets back to wifi-land to see the pictures.

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