A display and a half!!

I took a packed train to London on the hottest day of the year so far!!! It was amazing to see brown fields of two weeks ago now glowing yellow with oil seed rape.

I met up with some former work colleagues and we went to the Chelsea Physic Garden. An amazing garden by the Thames established as the Apothecaries' garden in 1673. 

We started with lunch, then a guided tour and a rest in the shade to catch up on the news, prior to tea. The display of tulips was stunning. The guide said that all the plants are 3 weeks behind schedule.

A very manageable size of garden to visit in the heat. Well worth a visit :0)

The train out of Kings Cross was heaving with bodies, but almost empty by the time we got to Newark. 

We've had a super day out and made plans for the next trip in July.

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