Tomorrow's pud!!

A change of plan today (the story of my life!!).

I planted out to fill gaps in the front garden and dig up the self seeded plants that were in the wrong place. Those seedlings are now potted up ready for a new home if they survive. No waste in this place!!

I took the girls home this afternoon and stayed for a coffee and choc ice lolly, just the thing on a sunny day. I was given some rhubarb to bring home which will do nicely for a crumble tomorrow.

I found this poor little soul (in extras) on the drive this morning. It was near the hedge which is the gathering place and I assume the nesting area for the hoards of very vocal sparrows. The hedge is so thick that I cannot see any nests. Not sure if it fell out or was pushed out.

My old holiday lens was very "clunky" and slow to focus, so I ordered a new one which arrived this week. Yesterday's deer was rescued safely, but I was too late for this baby bird who had the honour of being the subject of the first photo with the new lens.

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