Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Spotted In Lauder

Every year the little town of Lauder in the Scottish Borders holds a cycling event, called, strangely enough, the Tour De Lauder. It will be happening very soon, so Pogo decided to go out for a little practice.

The sun was shining and the sky was a blue seldom seen in this part of the world. Pogo was filled with the joy of spring, and pulled his best wheelie ever. Up and up he soared, but ............he somehow became impaled on a bracket sticking out from the wall of the Spotted Dog Delicatessen. And there he hangs. Passers-bye assume he is some kind of a shop sign. That will teach him not to show off!

Inspired by Silly Saturday (thank you Admirer for issuing the challenge).

And perhaps I'm feeling a little light-headed with relief - the sheep were collected by our neighbouring farmer and his dog this afternoon.  They don't belong to him, but he thinks he knows where they came from.  And the daffodils seem none the worse.

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