2 years

This blip was a bit of a challenge. This is a self portrait taken in a dark room, with my new camera, which I'm still trying to get to grips with, manual setting, no tripod and no remote. A challenge for an achieved challenge: 730 blips with no gaps. Two years blipping! Time just flies...

Since I started blipping two years ago I've made lots of friends. It's funny how you connect with people through your pictures. A journal is something very personal even if we don't think about it that way. A picture can tell a lot about the person who is taking it, so sometimes you don't even need a write up to communicate with others. I remember when I went to Helsinki and I met A for the first time, it felt as if we'd known each other for a long time. He's one of my first subscribers. It was a strange but good feeling. I thought as well it was great how I could go into a foreign country and have already friends there.

I'm really enjoying this site, although I admit wanting to give up a few times. I find it difficult though. I love going through your journals. You've made me laugh and cry and I've learn lots of interesting things about your different countries. I've also learned a lot from your amazing pictures. Being a complete amateur myself, I've been overwhelmed by the response I've had from some of my pictures and I can only give you all a big hug for being so kind!

Thanks a lot to all of those who have been with me from the start, who have commented regularly and given me stars and hearts. Love you all!

I would have liked to do something more interesting but, unfortunately, I didn't have time. Today it was my first day back to work from my holidays and I got home a bit late.

My head is still on holidays, haha!

I hope you all had a good day! :)

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