Lali's World

By Lali

Getting there!

This is my 364th blip. I'm getting there, but don't expect anything too exciting tomorrow. As I'm working all weekend, I'm not having many chances to experiment, but I'll try my best to come up with something.

This guy makes me think of myself running up the Royal Mile every morning to make it to work on time. It doesn't matter what time I get up, I'm always late! Hahaha!

What a day, by the way! I thought we were in the middle of a worldwide financial crisis!! Well, by the amount of tourists we're getting in, considering it's the last weekend of October and not the middle of August, one wouldn't say so! People still have lots of spare money to spend, it seems!

Yes, it's been a very busy and crazy day, and I'm glad it's over, done and dusted. Having a dram to forget all about it and relax!

I'm glad the clocks are going backwards tonight, by the way, because I have an 8.30am start tomorrow morning.

Thanks very much again for all your comments. I'll try and catch up with all your blips now. I hope you're enjoying your weekend! :)

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