Frog legs anyone

saw at least 32 different frogs legs today as I tackled cleaning out the bubble pool near the summerhouse. Its been waiting for erm... quite a few years and today, despite intending to take it easy I did it.

There were 8 frogs living in what can only be described as a muddy swamp & they were not happy being removed if only for an hour or two. I put them around 12 feet away so I'm hoping they find their way back soon. There was lots of leaf matter "muck" & twigs and it was a real soup of black yuck which was pretty smelly too. I managed to get most of it out but there was some left in the corners that I couldn't shift. The pump breathed a sigh of relief too when I cleaned the filter its all good & should be better tomorrow when it has settled. Apart from training a honeysuckle on the fence that was my day. 

C finished painting the woodwork in the dressing room so the new carpet can now be fitted & our stuff can go back in (breathes sigh of relief)

Hope you've had a good day as we have. Roast gammon for tea before the Z onslaught tomorrow.....

Thanks for calling in & Thanks for all of your kind comments plus stars & hearts for Merlot & Zak yesterday.

See you later !

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