The Fall Guy

Happy St George's Day !

As usual we had Zak for the day. This morning because the weather was sunny me & he were walking around the garden .... we'd been in the summerhouse for a while before walking around the little paths at the top of the garden as we came down the step the 2nd time and started walking towards the house I took my eyes off of him for 5 seconds when I heard a dull thud.. I turned around and he was face down on the concrete path. Before he could start to cry I had swept him off the ground but boy did he cry then. Poor boy ! He grazed his temple on one side plus his nose & when we dropped him back with his mum this afternoon it looked like he was going to get a black eye !

I felt so guilty despite knowing that there would have been nothing that I could have done to prevent it. After the tears & lots of cuddles with me & Mam-ma and a few chocolate buttons he was as right as rain again...just the same little terror as he always is (Bless him)

The picture shows him post fall and you can just make out the bump over his eye....

A fine day but colder & breezy.

Thanks for looking in today & for leaving your comments & thanks for all your lovely comments for yesterday's frog's legs :-)

I'm sitting here with a bag of frozen peas on my shoulder as it is paining me a lot today. It is over 2 months now since it started & it hasn't improved ......

Speak soon

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