
In September 2005 I brought home from the rescue a 5½ month old puppy with huge feet and an attitude problem. She had been born in the rescue, homed to an elderly lady at 2months but was too strong-willed for her to cope with so was returned. There followed a battle of wills - I can be stubborn too! When told to do anything she would look at me with the same expression that Catherine Tate's teenager 'Am I bovvered' had - and ignore the command. I would say 'OK don't then' and continue with the others, giving them praise for doing as they were asked. Eventually she came round and did as she was told and became a lovely, gentle, (mostly) obedient member of the gang of four.
I met her mum at the rescue - a medium sized dog who looked exactly like a mini German Shepherd - but with a beard! Bess continued to grow far bigger than her mum and looks nothing like her - mostly black, soft ears like a Lab, almost wiry coat, lurcher shape, tail like a GS - and a beard!
So today, my stroppy 'am I bovvered teenager' pup becomes an actual teenager - 13 today.
Happy Birthday Bess
The whole gang of four shown in the 'extra'

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