The Owl has landed!

Here it is - the Barn Owl sculpture made by Chris Wood of Wales.
It is large - 29inches from base to top of its head, and heavy. We saw 15 of the world's best chainsaw carvers at the show, competing for the Sandringham Cup awarded for the best sculpture produced from scratch over the 3 days of the show. Most of them had brought some of their work to show and sell apart from the competition. What my friend and I liked about the work of Chris was the obvious love of nature which enabled him to produce such lovely work. As well as the owl he had a running hare, a cat with back arched and tail erect and a raven.
The 'extras' show the owl from all sides and also in situ in my room surrounded by other, much smaller, wooden water birds - Ducks and an Avocet.

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