Colin Parte

By ColinParte

Smoke Break In The Sun 94/365

I had actually finished taking photos for the day (do we ever actually finish?) and was walking toward my hotel with some shopping when I spotted this woman coming out of a small bar for a smoke. She was very striking and very friendly; agreed to some photos and then got on with checking her phone. We had a good laugh over the results, and it was another very pleasant interaction for me.

Further south, in Akihabara, the main drag is closed off on a Sunday afternoon and becomes a huge pedestrian area. Lots of people are sitting in the road taking selfies and family shots. I've a few in the Flickr album below.
Another favourite from today is a guy I shot while he was sitting on his Harley Davidson at a red light. I took three and by the third, he was all smiles. Link below:

Smiley Biker

Flickr Album

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