Life With The Lions

We've been off the radar the last few days at a Game Reserve near the Kruger National Park, where the Internet was unreliable and we've been very busy enjoying ourselves. As I write, it's now Monday 23rd and we're at the boarding gate in Jo'burg awaiting our flight to Mauritius, the next stage of our adventure.

The reserve has its own pride of very rare white lions and, having arrived on our flight from Cape Town, there was just time for a quick lunch before we were off on our first safari in search of the lions.

As you can see, we caught up with them enjoying a light tea of giraffe. We also saw lots of live giraffes, zebra and rhinoceros as well as many smaller animals and these lions' brown cousins who were enjoying a drink (in extras).

The safari paused so we could enjoy our own sundowner then it was back n the dark to the lodge four our own dinner, which happened to feature Impala, which are everywhere on the reserve.

The Lodge is simply amazing, in a great setting with luxurious rooms, particularly inthe honeymoon suite, which we were given an upgrade to.

Expect more back blips of animals when we get to Mauritius and have more time. Almost Time for boarding by the looks of it.

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