Matts Photo Journal

By photomatt

Sandy's Wrath

Hurricane Sandy has been wreaking havoc up and down the eastern United States. Current winds are > 40 mph with gusts 50 - 60 mph. I have to spend the next couple of days at a hotel near my office so that we can keep our IT infrastructure operational.
I never realized how hard it is to photograph something like this. Between trying to keep the camera dry, keeping it steady with the wind gusts, and the amazing rain, it is really hard to keep things focused. I was able to get this shot by squeezing between two buildings (with a cement overhang). The howling of the wind was almost mesmerizing - if it weren't so cold out and if I didn't have to be at work at 4 a.m., I probably would still be outside.

Well - I better get to bed so that I be at least partially functional at o'dark hundred. Hope all of our east coast blippers are safe and sound!

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