Matts Photo Journal

By photomatt

Goodbye Sandy

I woke up at 3:40 a.m., took a quick shower, and was at work by 4:00. When I got to work, I was relieved to see that all of our systems stayed up especially during the worst part of the storm that blew through around 1:00 a.m. By 7:00 a.m., the winds had died down and with just light rain, people started to come into work. We decided to let everyone that spent the night at nearby hotels go home. Just as we were getting ready let these folks go, we were informed by the power company that a nearby transformer caught on fire and that our power would have to be turned off for several hours to fix the problem. Generators were fired up so that certain areas of the office would remain powered including our computer systems. Our employees were relocated to these areas and they were able to get their work done on time. We were able to let folks go home about 3:00 p.m. although a few of us are remaining at a nearby hotel one more night just to make sure that we can respond if something else should happen. My hopes are that I can go home at 9 a.m. on Wednesday. My friend is home and was able to collect the dogs from the kennel and verified that the cats and the house made it just fine. I'll spend Wednesday relaxing, playing with the animals (I see a witch hat blip coming...), and catching up on some errands.

We were lucky in the DC area compared to our friends in New Jersey and New York and hope that those folks can get back to "normal" life soon.

Here is my first "repeat blip" showing the same scene as yesterday but without all the "weather". Sorry it's not too exciting but there really wasn't a lot of time today to get anything better.

Have a great night...

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