All the love in the World
3000 Blips...
I started blipping in February 2010. Boy was 19 and heading off to America to study in a few months, and Tooli was in fourth year and studying for her standard grades.
If I had started blipping 12 years before what a different tale I would have told. Stories of Blank and Puppy would have featured highly ; Boy and Tooli were seldom without their respective first lives.
Our lives revolved around brownies, cubs, football practise. Family time. Always family time.
Our kids are the centre of our universe - every minute we weren’t at work was theirs; they are only small for such a very short time it was a joy to spend our time with them.
Now they are in different sides of the world and himself and me? We are discovering new interests and laughing at new things!
Internet means we are never far Apart from them - Tooli is getting up and says hello as we go to Bed; when I stop for lunch Boy says good morning
Occasionally we all get together - her at bed time, us in the afternoon and him in his morning - and thru it all my Blip has been a men’s to sharing our days with them.
Can’t see me stopping any time soon
Thank you for stopping bye and saying hello
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