
By asburydan

Wampee United Methodist Church

Today was a rainy windy day to the point I think the white cloth over the primary cross with the smaller crosses behind the main one looks like it could be hanging laundry rather than a drape for the cross.  Wampee appears to be an American Indian word related to a try of bush or tree.
I found a little about the church's history which follows:
"A lot of things were done “on a handshake” back then.  For instance, deeds were held until a note was paid off, and sometimes not dated until the time of the time the payments have been completed.  (Really, pretty informal).1943-Jan 5: O. J. Bell sold the property for the  location of the current church to the Trustees of the Wampee UMC for $1.00 (have copy of document).
The land on the south side of Hwy 90 (across from the church) was re-sold by the government back to the original owners (those who wanted to buy it back) around 1944-45.The current Wampee UM Church building was built right where it is in 1942.  According to the record, the land they refer to was taken (bought very cheaply) by the US government in 1941. The original purchase by the government was to create a bombing range.

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