Occasionally Focused

By tsuken


Today was quite a learning/study/professional development day. A non-clinical day. It started with peer review down the hill at Nepean Hospital. Due to the afternoon being a supervisors' workshop further that direction, at Westmead Hospital, learning about the new training regulations, rather than heading back to Katoomba only to come back after perhaps an hour, I remained at Nepean. There was a grand round at midday, just before I had to head to Westmead, and to pass the time until then, I sat on the grass reading Freud.

This (larger here), was next to me as I lounged about edumacating myself, trying to rectify the lamentable and almost complete lack of psychological wossname in my training. We got some CBT of course, but psychoanalysis? Don't be silly! Naughty old Mr Freud. xP

I've a translation of Dream Psychology on my Kindle, you see, and it's proving really very interesting.

As for the photo, I just rather liked all the lines and shapes, in the fence, and the bolster sort of thing at the base. It's quite good in colour too, but I was thinking B&W when I took it, so out of bloody-mindedness as much as anything, here 'tis B&W. ;-)

Then, home for ORSOME dinner, courtesy of the ever-amazing mrs tsuken. Me gusta. Me very gusta. ^_^

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