Live Blood Analysis - not mine!

Took my sweetie for live blood analysis finally. We were completely enthralled, it was amazing! Overall he was good - his immune system was outstanding! Otherwise it was a bit slow moving/sludgey, showed he needed more iron and to chew food more thoroughly. Our specialist works with international athletes and gets super excited about making our health better. There were a few things that indicated steps need to be taken now to ward off future possible health problems - all easy fixes. We will work on it and have a follow up appointment in 8 weeks. It was a lovely day in the morning and then the sky crashed down with a very disturbed man driving a van down 2km of occupied sidewalk. Our office is a long way south from this horrific accident, although we do have friends/colleagues who are up in that area. There is so much sadness right now, following closely on the heels of the hockey bus accident where 15 young lives were lost. Prayers and love going out to all those affected.

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