Gonnae no dae that...

The work of laying huge underground pipes in GeorgeSquare has progressed to cross Middle Meadow Walk, resulting in this sign for cyclists.
Do you think for one second that any of today’s 519 passing cyclists as recorded on the electronic board took heed of the sign? Correct, not one that I have seen over 2 days, and given the casual disregard for any other ‘cyclists dismount’ notices prevalent on adjacent paths, it would seem a pointless exercise in erecting them unless it is to cover the company should there be any accident claims.

Once upon a time, all save one of the the paths crossing the Meadows were ‘no cycling’. Now there is another new designated cycling path and also a perimeter path for joggers, but with the current laissez faire attitude amongst the population, cyclists of all ages feel free to cycle on any of the paths, weaving in and out of pedestrians and runners as they do so without a bell in evidence.

I remember in my childhood the local old battle axe neighbour who liked us children to adhere to her rules. There were timely raps on her window if we put a foot wrong. Now I appear to have transmogrified into that elderly battle axe. Unfortunately I am all roar and no bite and the only action I take is to rant on Blipfoto.

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