The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Bye Bye Miss American Pie

Dear O’H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Eldest Mini Princess was chatting about school today. Her maths teacher is Irish and is very, very enthusiastic about the subject.

On 14th March, enthusiastic teacher told EMP that she was very excited as ‘It’s poi day and I LOVE poi’

EMP felt (for once) that she could share this enthusiasm, ‘I get that. I love pie too’.

Her teacher was delighted and very effusive…

Enthusiastic teacher: ‘Oi caaan’t belieeeve it. Oi had no oidea. That’s woonderful’

EMP: ‘Yep, I love all kinds of pie: apple, raspberry, blueberry. All of them’

Enthusiastic teacher: ‘Noooooooo. Not that poi. It’s on Marrrch fourteent every year. Tree fourteen. 3.14. Poi day’

EMP: ‘Oh right. Pi? Oh well. I DO love apple pie though’

Enthusiastic teacher was apparently quite crestfallen to realise that she hadn’t discovered a like-minded individual.


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