Flower on the floor

Also known as Love in the Mist

Richard took Tess and Joel to the cinema to watch Frankenweenie. I watched the trailer last night - it looks like fun.
I spent most of the day in the office with classical music blaring, tackling the VAT return. This mostly involves looking for invoices.

I'm ashamed to admit I really loved having a bit of time to myself - even if it was to do bookwork. I find other people exhausting, especially after a busy weekend. And I needed a good fix of music that I had chosen. When you have a family you so often have to put your own taste on hold and I'm always told to stop singing :o(

It was getting a bit late to get a photo, so I ripped this little Love in the Mist flower out of the garden and threw it onto the lining of Richard's coat which I'd thrown on the kitchen floor.

It's weird how I'm recording dull, empty days and haven't written anything about the weekend yet! I'm starting to feel rather sad about not getting any pictures on Saturday...

Mum phoned this afternoon to talk about neighbours who are upsetting her by over-developing on the hill where she lives. I think I should go up there with my camera.

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