Tree love

My favourite 8-year-old sitting in my favourite tree.
She seems to be growing into a fellow tree-hugger.

The plan was for me to spend the whole day working on the VAT return because it usually takes me a few days and I'm supposed to have it submitted by the end of the month...

But it seemed like a good idea to start the day with a walk. So we did.

Richard then took Tess off to Ilfracombe Aquarium and then to Pizza Express and then to the cinema.

I did get a bit of paperwork sorted but we'd had new quotes for green energy improvements to our house and I wanted to look at those, I'd also found a few direct debits I wanted to cancel or reduce- including reducing a stupidly high pet insurance payment so that sapped a lot of time.
Our boiler situation is getting urgent and if we can't afford to replace it with something soon we're a bit buggered. So next I was looking up loans online.

Anyhooo.... I did get some stuff done and I'm not as rubbish as I appear.

*looks meaningfully at husband*

OH - and, if you missed it, #Lovember starts on Friday. A few of us blipfoto-ers are blipping things we love - or just generally on the theme of love throughout November.

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