The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Go With The Flow

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

It was Smashley’s 50th birthday party tonight. Going to two 50ths in two weeks is very worrying. It means that my friends are getting older which means (shock, horror) that I must be getting older too.

I remember my parents turning 50 and thinking that they were old. Really old. I mean ridiculously old. I was in my mid-twenties and could NEVER imagine being THAT old or THAT sensible. My parents didn’t even go to pubs. I lived in pubs.

I also still had the misconception that people of ‘that age*’ had acquired profound knowledge of how the world worked. Pretty much like Yoda.

It would appear that I missed the ‘profound knowledge’ lesson. I suspect I may have been in the pub that day. I have however, gleaned this so far:

Everyone is winging it
My bras need underwires

Granted it’s not quite Sophie’s World but it makes for a shorter read!

Anyway, back to the party. The Prince and I had a great night, despite only knowing a handful of people (all through my work). The Power (my old Project Manager and university friend of Smashley) was there, and introduced me to a group of their friends.

‘The Power used to manage me’, I offered as an explanation of how we met.

Cue resounding laughter. Rude!

Smashley then shared with his chums that I once warned my Contribution Manager that if my review lasted more than 10 minutes, I would start talking him through my menstrual cycle**.

It was nice to meet people and be able to cut out the small talk phase!


*50 - 900
**9 minutes later we were done.

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