The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Essential Updates

Dear O’H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

It was a perfect spring day – lovely, sunny and cool. The three of us went for a really nice walk with Murphy. Youngest Mini Princess was on good chatty form although, as I had promised her the walk would be no longer than an hour, she regularly gave me time updates to ensure that I didn’t trick her into bonding with her parents for longer than the agreed timescales!

We pretty much chilled for the rest of the day. I do love Sundays.

There were a few updates from the Eldest Mini Princess from her WW1 trench trip:

Someone threw up on the bus within an hour of them heading off but the smell wasn’t too bad although the teacher went a little overboard on the Fabreze.
The food on the ferry was great – Rogan Josh
Bruges is lovely

Luckily, I don’t have any concerns about her being away. There was an information night about the trip a few weeks ago. She had to sign a ‘code of conduct’ form with about 30 tick boxes including the following:

I will not smoke
I will not purchase or consume alcohol
I will not take any illegal drugs
I will not engage in any sexual activity

Thank goodness they have all signed that form. Can you imagine the anarchy if they hadn’t?

Mind you, I was a bit cheesed off about the alcohol one. How is she supposed to buy me a present?


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