Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Face of L

So many of my blip entries start with something along the lines of 'i wanted to blip the...', or 'my original plan for a blip was....'. Today is no exception. We were up to take J to work for 6:50 and as we pass the Concrete Cows on our way I was hoping to get a blip of them with the girls in their PJs with the sun rising behind us. Massive fail! We watched the sun come up while I drove around a series of estates trying to get close to the cows without having to trudge through fields in our slippers. We gave up and came home for some caffeine!

Had to venture to the shopping centre to get funky gloves for my sister in laws birthday. Thats a hard description to fulfil. Im just not sure theyre funky enough.

Popped to see Nanny Mo as its her birthday today. We arrived unnanounced just as her guests were coming for tea and cake. Pretty sure our invite was in the post ;-P

E did great on her horse for todays lesson. My mum is awesome and sat with my other horrors so I could take E on my own. Luxury. E did her first canter since her fall. Her tutor joked that we're back on track to make the Olympics.

J's out with his boss this evening. A few drinks to thank him for his efforts so far. Its nice to be appreciated but I hope they dont go too crazy with the lagers, we're suppose to be going there for lunch tomorrow ;-)

I may check on the map for the concrete cow directions and retry tomorrow morning.....

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