Sunday stroll

Slept well, bright when we got up so we decided to walk to the farm for some fresh eggs and vegetables, which I needed for dinner. 

It was sunny, but breezy, we just wore out body body was warm, cant say the same for my arms, hands or head, still really chilly :-/

After the farm, we called in for the papers, hubs knee had been holding up pretty well until we were almost at the newsagents, when we got a sharp shooting pain that reminded him its still there, GP appointment tomorrow, so we shall see. 

The farm on our top road doesn't usually grow rapeseed......until this year, must be rotating things I guess. It does brighten the landscape on a cloudy day, as you can see.  

We have had tuna,red onion and cheese toastie for lunch. 

Hub has washed and vacuumed the car whilst I have been in the kitchen preparing dinner.  Roast leg of pork, runner beans, carrots, roast potatoes, crackling and apple sauce of course.....smells rather nice just now.  

Sis and her hub (andKobi) have gone for dinner at youngest son & Dils today, first visit for them to see their new house. 

Hope you,re having a relaxing Sunday. 

Fingers crossed for some warmer weather soon please!

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